Become a Judge


How to Become a Judge:

While we are already contacting well known concours judges and marque experts from around the world, there is room for you too. Many have already agreed to volunteer for this worthy cause. 

If you wish to be part of our team of 75 experts, please email your qualifications and reason for wanting to get involved to Concours Chairman, Tim Suddard.


How Will Judging be Performed?

Each class will have three well known concours judges that include marque experts, famous personalities in the car world and corporate partners.

We will set up Zoom calls for every class and will have judges pour through the pictures and descriptions and chose their favorite cars using the French style of judging for excellence and beauty. This means while we are looking for accuracy of restoration and great details, we have no way of judging a car’s operation and will therefore focus on the beauty and elegance of each car.